Saturday, April 14, 2012

Vermillion Lakes - Can spring be far off?

Woke up to snow, and it has snowed on and off all day. But my friend, Audrey and I went to Vermillion Lakes hoping to see spring through the snow.
Here is pussy-willow - one small drop of water (melted snow) on the tip. Though the lakes are mainly still ice/snow covered where there was open water there were a few mallards and many Canada Geese. One lone female mallard quacked plaintively...trying to locate her mate by the sound of her calls.
Saw robins too. When we went over towards the marshes at the Cave and Basin walk we heard a woodpecker (loud enough it was probably a pileated) and saw a white-tailed deer. First time I have seen one here - all the deer in town and around are mule deer...sorry to say I didn't get a photo of it.
So looking forward to the return of the warblers, the kinglets, the swans.....
We are so impatient for birdwatching to begin.....saw what may have been 2 male common mergansers on the river yesterday, heard red-winged-blackbirds - they don't head out to the bulrushes in Vermillion Lakes for another month or so.
Lovely to see green moss in the beaver pond, and on the stump..... looking for colour wherever we can find it.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Bright Colours & Happy Dogs

The tulips are like light on the dark days of winter - though today was as warm as +15 by afternoon though it started at -15 - very chilly this morning on the way to work.

The photos of Santiago and Ariel were taken several months ago, at Cascade Ponds. The ownership of the stick changed often.
Ariel is very young and the last photo shows how at the end of the day Santi was fed up with an exuberant pup and she told her off.
Happy Spring.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

A series of photos from the past few months. Can't believe I haven't posted since January.
thank goodness for flowers from the supermarket -this is the time of year I crave colour and I took a great many photos of tulips through the past few months. We have had snow almost every day in March and April.
The elk have been on the grounds of the Centre frequently this spring and the deer.
Happy Spring.